Our cells

2D & 3D Cells

As the first and only clinic in the world to provide both 2D and 3D Cells to the public, our strategic administration methods ensure maximum treatment outcome. Utilizing 2D and 3D cells based on their sizes and placement of administration, we are able to guide the cells to certain parts of the body, where they are able to conduct cellular regeneration and repair accordingly.

Exclusive access to Neural Stem Cells.

We take pride in offering the first of its kind Neural Stem Cell treatment to the world. Exclusively supplied by a cutting-edge biotech company based in the US, we are the only treatment facility you can go to where Neural Stem Cell is available.

Best quality cell, proven safe.

As colonial organisms, cells thrive best when given the suitable condition to communicate and grow with one another. The manufacturing process of our cells is ethical and first of its kind to achieve the highest cell count possible, as well as premium quality, viability and efficacy. Our cells are sent to a highly respected and recognized third party laboratory for safety and viability testing prior to clinical application.